See clearly with contact lenses from S Patel Opticians, Kilburn

The discreet way to aid your eyesight
Contact lenses have come a long way since their early 18th century origins as glass tubes filled with water, capped by a microscopic lens. Today, millions of people across the UK use a diverse assortment of contact lens varieties, incorporating remarkably sophisticated features and suitable for almost all prescription strengths. Thanks to advances in manufacturing techniques, modern lenses have a high water content to allow plenty of air to reach the eye's surface resulting in impressive comfort levels.
Technological advances have also allowed lens manufacturers to develop contact lenses suitable for almost every spectacle prescription, from Toric lenses that lit astigmatic eyes through to multifocals capable of providing crystal-clear vision at varying distance. Our job is to find the right ones for you. Based on your lifestyle needs and your prescription type, S Patel Opticians can help you transition to contact lenses from glasses or manage the current prescription you have with us. Simple.
Monthly lenses
Although they do require regular cleaning, monthly contact lenses provide a more affordable alternative to daily disposables. S Patel Opticians can recommend the best option based on your circumstances and preferences, talking you through the features and benefits of each option.
Kids' lenses
Ortho K is becoming an increasingly popular brand - it provides a completely painless and reversible solution to some vision problems.​ But it can also benefit children and adults, with many of their regular lenses suitable for children from the age of ten. This is great news for physically active youngsters, where tough spectacle frames with shatterproof lenses was previously the best option.
Disposable lenses
Many people favour daily lenses, which are worn once and then disposed of without the need of maintenance. In tandem with a well-chosen, stylish pair of specs, these can be an ideal choice for people who prefer not to wear glasses in public but don't need lenses all the time.
For convenience
For sports, work, or even for those who dislike their look with glasses, lenses can prove beneficial. We can assess if this option would be ideal for you and even show you how to use them and care for your eyes and lenses, so you can get the most from this aid and from the expert team at S Patel Opticians.
Free your face without affecting your vision!
Learn more about contact lenses from S Patel Opticians by reaching out to our team in Kilburn today! You can call or email us, whichever you prefer.